7 communication trends
– what matters in 2023

2023 has just arrived and has a lot of new communication trends in store for us. Let’s go on a journey and take a look at the most important stations for successful communication. Without claiming to know it all, we at Nicarus see the following seven communication trends for 2023:

Trend 1: Communicate together

Content marketing is based on a simple principle: “First the content, then the channels”. Unfortunately, this approach is not yet firmly anchored in all companies. Yet digital progress brings more and more information and relevant contact points. The result: it is more difficult than ever to serve different target groups equally with content. Integrated communication is the solution. Because it puts content first and therefore ensures that marketing and communication communicate together.

Trend 2: Clear positioning on social issues

Today, companies can no longer close their minds to social issues. This is because stakeholders expect companies to also show their stance, express opinions and participate in debates and discussions. Companies that communicate consistent, sustainable values and also bring people together are more in demand than ever.

Trend 3: Visual content for social media

TikToks, Instagram reels and YouTube shorts are in vogue with users. The social media platforms have become a real boost for visual content. As a result, companies achieve higher reach and better engagement with visual content – and thus also strengthen brand awareness. After all, visual content now accounts for 80 percent of mobile data traffic!

Trend 4: Employer brand over corporate brand

Companies are looking for highly qualified professionals. But the market is already swept. Many companies now find it easier to find customers than new employees. A strong employer brand is therefore in demand. And this should be a derivative of the corporate brand. Because the employee strategy should still be derived from the business strategy.

Trend 5: Recruiting – simply apply digitally

The candidate experience plays an increasingly important role in the recruiting process. People want to apply at a low threshold. Simple, digital application processes are indispensable. This is the only way employers can tap the full potential and receive enough applications. One approach: applications via LinkedIn or on job platforms are a quick and uncomplicated way for both companies and applicants to contact the right employer.

Trend 6: Measuring communication

In the past, communication experts asked themselves the relatively simple question: “Who is my target group and what is our message?” Today, this question is many times more complex: “Which person do I want to reach on which channel with which message at which time? And very importantly, how do I measure my success?” In short: communication must be measurable! The easiest way to do this is with a data collection tool – but many roads lead to Rome. Find the one that is most convenient for you!

Trend 7: Data protection – not loved, but essential

Admittedly, data protection is not the favourite topic of marketing and communication professionals. But corporate stakeholders are increasingly demanding the protection of their privacy rights and compliance with competition law. In order for companies to be both data-protection compliant and customer-oriented, data must be collected and processed in a less comprehensive and legally compliant manner. What is needed is transparency and constructive consent management.


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Maturity Check

    • 1


    • 2

      Social Media

    • 3

      Content Erstellung

    • 4


    • 5

      Recruiting & Stellenanzeigen

    • 6

      Talent Relationship Management

    • 7





    Social Media

    Content Erstellung


    Recruiting & Stellenanzeigen



    Talent Relationship Management


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    In den Startlöchern

    Du hast ein paar wichtige Basics bereits umgesetzt, aber es ist noch Luft nach oben. Vielleicht ist es Zeit, die Strategie zu überdenken und neue Kanäle zu erkunden, um dein Employer Branding aufzupeppen.



    Das läuft doch schon ganz gut. Du hast sicherlich bereits kleine Erfolge gefeiert. Wie wäre es, wenn wir deine wichtigsten Personas in eine Kampagnenautomatik überführen und so noch mehr Schwung in deine Employer Brand bringen?


    An fast alles gedacht

    Wow, wir können unseren Augen kaum trauen. Das sieht prima aus. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, noch einen Schritt weiter zu gehen und deine Employer Branding-Strategie mit einigen innovativen Ansätzen zu ergänzen.



    Wir ziehen unseren Hut. Columbus hat Amerika entdeckt, Einstein die Relativitätstheorie entwickelt, Taylor Swift verkauft am ersten Tag des Vorverkaufs ihrer Tour 2 Millionen Tickets und du … machst deine Employer Brand zur Love Brand. Dürfen wir mehr über dich erfahren?