
LinkedIn Newsletter - its advantages and our tips for implementation

Another newsletter? Yes, you heard right! The LinkedIn newsletter is a newsletter “embedded” in LinkedIn that is linked to your LinkedIn company page. You can choose how often it appears: daily, weekly or monthly. The content is intuitively entered directly into LinkedIn. But why should you write a LinkedIn newsletter as a company? We show you the strengths as well as some tips and tricks for implementation.


Advantages of the LinkedIn newsletter

Creating a LinkedIn newsletter offers numerous opportunities:

  • Regardless of the algorithm: subscribers to your LinkedIn newsletter receive a push notification directly in LinkedIn when a new issue is published. You can of course also share it in your feed with your network.
  • Detached from LinkedIn use: LinkedIn also sends the newsletter as an email. Your subscribers will therefore receive it even if you are not currently online on LinkedIn.
  • A quick click for a subscription: No need to enter personal data such as name, e-mail address or even telephone number
  • Generate traffic: by linking to your own website or other LinkedIn content
  • Build trust: Regular updates will keep your network informed of industry trends, company news or personal insights – allowing you to boost your credibility as a thought leader.


Worried about not gaining any subscribers?

Don’t panic: Every new follower of your LinkedIn company page is invited to subscribe to your newsletter. The newsletter enables you to communicate regularly with your subscribers – this strengthens the bond between them and grows your network. Another plus point: the direct approach and the development of a community of readers ensure that relevant content is distributed in a targeted manner. This increases your visibility and reach. Encourage your subscribers to respond to your newsletter in the form of likes and comments. These interactions are in turn played out in your subscribers’ network, your target group expands successively and the domino effect is in full swing.

If you want to start with your LinkedIn newsletter, the following applies: Share your newsletter issues in your feed and encourage your employees to do the same.


No time for content creation?

Don’t have time to write a LinkedIn newsletter? We have some tips on how to proceed efficiently:

  • Plan ahead: Set a regular schedule for writing so that it remains a manageable task.
  • Automate where possible: Use tools that help you plan content.
  • Keep it simple: your newsletter doesn’t have to be long. A few concise points are often more effective.
  • Involve the readers: Ask for feedback and topic requests – this saves time when searching for topics and increases the engagement rate.
  • Our top tip: content recycling! Take a look at your previous social media content and think about what is also suitable for your newsletter. Rewrite the content or pull out small statements and build on them again.


What are other companies doing?

News providers in particular have already discovered the opportunities offered by LinkedIn newsletters. They often get more reach than with regular LinkedIn posts. Examples include t3n Weekly and the Süddeutsche Zeitung. The latter refers to a very specific topic in its newsletter: finance. We are currently seeing more and more small companies trying out LinkedIn newsletters.

For us, the LinkedIn newsletter is a clear recommendation, because:

  • LinkedIn is currently not (yet) overloaded with newsletters
  • the topic is currently very well received
  • you start as a first mover in most niches
  • the number of subscribers increases very quickly

Our tips for subscribing:

  • Nicarus Newsletter
  • T3n weekly
  • OMR

Do you need further tips or support with the implementation of your LinkedIn newsletter? Feel free to contact us!


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