Benefits for
job ads

So kommunizieren Sie Ihre Benefits ansprechend in Ihrer Stellenausschreibung

When writing your latest job advert, keep in mind: your benefits are a flagship for your company. They show potential applicants what added value you offer them. Before writing your job ad, remember that the presentation of your benefits should be more than just a list. For example, emphasise how flexible working hours or home office options improve the work-life balance. Or report on team events that strengthen team spirit. Tell real stories from the company that illustrate how the benefits are integrated into everyday working life. Authenticity is the key here. Your benefits will not only look attractive on paper, but will also appeal to applicants emotionally and create an image in their minds as they read.


How important are benefits in job ads?

If you offer benefits for employees and phrase them in an appealing way, there is a good chance that readers will remember your job ad. You also show that your employees are important to you.

Benefits are often just strung together in a job advert. Employers make a name for themselves with the battle for the best and most benefits. But what’s in it for the reader? We advocate a change of perspective. Because if potential applicants recognise characteristics of the corporate culture in the job advertisement, they can identify with it much more easily.


Attractive benefits as a competitive advantage

Attractive benefits in the job advert act as a decisive competitive advantage for employers by not only increasing the appeal of their job offer, but also boosting employee loyalty and satisfaction. So when choosing your benefits, consider how you can best support your employees in every situation: whether it’s further training, childcare or sabbaticals. The possibilities are endless.


Tips for integrating benefits into your job ad

Do you want to know how to write benefits in an appealing way in your job advert? Remember: phrasing benefits means conveying added value. Instead of a dry list, tell a story that captivates the reader.

Let’s start with an example of how not to do it:

We offer:

  • A varied job and a pleasant atmosphere in an attractive working environment
  • An accurate and intensive induction programme
  • Modern offices with adjustable air conditioning
  • Free parking at the company location or a subsidy for public transport
  • a discounted lunch menu of your choice in our canteen
  • various company events (e.g. company outing, sports activities, Christmas party)
  • an appropriate salary with the usual social benefits

Here are the same benefits, but communicated in a value-adding way. An activating approach and storytelling in the job advert are the key:️

That’s why you’ve come to the right place:

  • You will work in an integrated manner in consulting and auditing, across industries, for several clients, nationally and internationally – and still become an expert in your field. You will experience variety without losing your focus.
  • From day one, you will receive everything you need to be successful. Structured induction and internal and external training programmes
  • Our most important principles: Communication at eye level and mutual support among colleagues. No matter how big the challenge you face, you will not only have a team behind you, but a family of colleagues.
  • Of course, we offer the same standards, you will want for nothing: from air-conditioned offices, car parks, public transport allowance, canteen facilities, company and sports events. Get to know us!

Imagine you are talking directly to your dream candidate. What would inspire him? Describe in the job ad how the benefits will enrich their day-to-day work.

With wording like this, you make it clear that you don’t just offer benefits, but a home for professional passion. This will make you memorable and attract the best talent.


Only added value. That’s a promise!

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