Did you know that the management magazine Harvard Business Review named the data scientist the “Sexiest Job of the 21st Century” almost 10 years ago? In almost every business area, data analysis is now essential.
But analysis doesn’t focus only on descriptive, backward-looking data. The magic word is advanced analytics – a method used to make predictions about future events.
In the communication departments, however, the situation is (still) different. Ask yourself these questions as a test:
Do you want to …
… Optimize your communication strategies with fact-based figures? Or continue to rely on your gut feeling?
… Align your communication with current or future trends? Or leave your target group approach to chance?
… Document the results of your communication precisely and thus quantify the value of your work? Or maybe just create what added value?
Well, have you chosen the first option all three times? All this is possible if you rely on data-driven PR.