To-Do List
for Recruiting

The billboards shout “You are important to us,” “Here you count as a person,” “Together we are strong” – and the viewer moves on. Nothing you haven’t heard before. Nothing you wouldn’t expect to hear anyway if you were looking for a new employer along with a new team, right?

You know the rules in employer branding: employer brands must be in action. All channels must be linked with one another so that the communication of advantages leaves no room for doubt. Honesty beats phrases – always. To make this happen, we’ve created a to-do list for you that will quickly bring you success.

1. Communicative Optimization at all Touchpoints of the Candidate Journey

We achieve the greatest added value when we focus on the candidate experience. Because the fact is: talents decide in favor of or against a potential employer depending on how they perceive the application process. For employers, this means that there is a lot to achieve in terms of communication, from the application form to the confirmation message and onboarding. Does your employer brand also speak from the lines of standardized emails from the applicant management system and in initial selection interviews?

2. Job Advertisements as a Content Hub for the EVP

Job ads are for filling positions, for sure. And by the way, they are the biggest stage for your Employer Value Proposition (EVP). Company values, emotions and uniqueness can be packaged in the description of tasks and requirements. This makes recruitment faster, better and easier.

3. Benefits that Guide the Candidate to the Application

Free drinks and a company pension plans are great. Almost every employer lists these benefits in their job ads, making themselves one thing above all: replaceable. People don’t want to work for unapproachable brands, they want to find out who is really behind this employer. So please gather representatives from all teams and think about what makes you unique as an employer. It’s not so much the fruit basket, but the favorite colleague bringing over the last plum from the basket because they know you love eating them so much.

4. Principle Work for Real Unique Value Propositions

Gartner’s EVP employee study (2021) quantified the value of strategic employer branding work as significant. Companies with a transparent EVP can reduce annual employee turnover by nearly 70% and increase new employee engagement by 30%. For many HR leaders, the biggest challenge is still understanding how their company differentiates itself from competitors. In the collection of answers from point 3, you’re bound to already notice a pattern that you can look into in more detail. Go ahead and have your team of colleagues rank the key statements again in terms of priority. This will provide more clarity and differentiation.

5. Just Get Started

Be bold! Be relentlessly honest. Break all the rules if that suits you as an employer. And something will emerge that will make competitors and applicants alike look up to you and hit the unsolicited application button.


Only added value. That’s a promise!

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Maturity Check

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      Social Media

    • 3

      Content Erstellung

    • 4


    • 5

      Recruiting & Stellenanzeigen

    • 6

      Talent Relationship Management

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    Social Media

    Content Erstellung


    Recruiting & Stellenanzeigen



    Talent Relationship Management


    Weniger als 20

    Huch! Einige Fragen haben dich vielleicht aus dem Konzept gebracht. Doch hier bist du richtig. Dürfen wir gemeinsam mit dir die ersten Aufgabenpakete schnüren?


    In den Startlöchern

    Du hast ein paar wichtige Basics bereits umgesetzt, aber es ist noch Luft nach oben. Vielleicht ist es Zeit, die Strategie zu überdenken und neue Kanäle zu erkunden, um dein Employer Branding aufzupeppen.



    Das läuft doch schon ganz gut. Du hast sicherlich bereits kleine Erfolge gefeiert. Wie wäre es, wenn wir deine wichtigsten Personas in eine Kampagnenautomatik überführen und so noch mehr Schwung in deine Employer Brand bringen?


    An fast alles gedacht

    Wow, wir können unseren Augen kaum trauen. Das sieht prima aus. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, noch einen Schritt weiter zu gehen und deine Employer Branding-Strategie mit einigen innovativen Ansätzen zu ergänzen.



    Wir ziehen unseren Hut. Columbus hat Amerika entdeckt, Einstein die Relativitätstheorie entwickelt, Taylor Swift verkauft am ersten Tag des Vorverkaufs ihrer Tour 2 Millionen Tickets und du … machst deine Employer Brand zur Love Brand. Dürfen wir mehr über dich erfahren?