Nicarus is
in the

The PR agency industry is growing again. According to the current Pfeffer ranking, the fee revenue of German agencies increased by 15 percent in fiscal year 2021. The market volume of all PR agencies participating in the ranking totaled 713.8 million euros. Due to the Corona situation, fee revenues had still declined by 7.2 percent in the previous year. Now the number of all employees in PR agencies is also rising again: In 2021 it increased by 3.4 percent – after minus 1.4 percent in the previous year.

Business development for Nicarus was also very good. The Heidelberg PR and social media agency is again among the top 3 agencies in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region and thus once again on the podium. In the consolidated main and additional ranking of the PR agencies Nicarus landed on place 99 and is thus again under the Top 100 agencies in Germany.

Nicarus generated sales of 1.0 million euros in fiscal year 2021 – and thus remained at the previous year’s level.  After the cooperation with an advertising agency ended in 2020, Nicarus has repositioned itself on the market in the last two years. To this end, it changed its name from “Donner & Doria Public Relations GmbH” to “Nicarus – Agentur für digitale Content GmbH” and has since positioned itself as a specialist agency. Nicarus creates relevant content, plays it out digitally across all channels and monitors it. In this way, the agency networks public relations, social media, online marketing and employer branding.

“Quickly developed, high-quality content on all digital channels is more in demand than ever for both the customer journey and the candidate journey,” explains Peter Verclas, Managing Director of Nicarus. “Companies are well advised to invest more in CommTech and data-driven PR. That’s because we’re getting better at measuring communications today to show our contribution to value creation.”

The Pfeffer Ranking is published annually by “PR Journal” editor and ranking maker Gerhard Pfeffer in cooperation with the Gesellschaft der führenden PR- und Kommunikationsagenturen e.V. (GPRA). The 26th ranking is based on data from 113 agencies that reported their PR fee revenues and staff development.

More about Pfeffer’s PR Ranking 2021


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