Nicarus joins
international network iNT. Agencies

The Heidelberg-based content agency Nicarus is now an official member of the international network for owner-managed agencies “iNT. Agencies”. This strengthens Nicaurs’ international positioning and enables it to support German companies in their global expansion through partner agencies.

iNT. Agencies is an international network of currently 30 agencies. The range of services includes branding & advertising, design, events, sponsoring, online marketing, employer branding, social media and PR. The growing agency network builds bridges between people, cultures and borders with branding and communication.
The Heidelberg-based agency with a focus on PR and social media had been a trial member of the network since the beginning of 2022. In May 2022, agency founder Peter Verclas attended the first spring conference of iNT. Agencies in Copenhagen. Recently, Nicarus successfully implemented the first communication projects for American and Icelandic clients of iNT. Agencies’ American and Icelandic clients in the German market.

“iNT. Agencies is a young, dynamic industry community. Together we work in partnership and friendship in our international agency network,” says Peter Verclas, Managing Director of Nicarus. “We thus offer our clients uncomplicated access to the global market and open up opportunities for them to engage in international communication.”
Uffe Just, co-managing director of iNT. Agencies and CEO of the Danish agency JUST BRANDING iNT adds: “With Nicarus, we have gained a powerful, internationally experienced and owner-managed agency in Germany for iNT. Agencies. We are looking forward to the cooperation and joint projects.”

iNT. Agencies is an international agency network, currently consisting of 30 agencies. These are spread across 20 countries with around 750 employees. The independent, owner-managed agencies work together on a decentralized basis and combine their strengths to offer branding and communication services to clients all over the world. The range of services includes branding & advertising, design, events, sponsoring, online marketing, employer branding, social media and PR. iNT. Agencies was founded in 2020 by Uffe Just from Denmark.


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