Nicarus &
"More Agencies"

Nicarus is a founding member of the international agency network “More Agencies”

Heidelberg, December 2, 2024: The international network “More Agencies” has launched with 15 owner-managed agencies. Heidelberg-based PR agency Nicarus – Agentur für digitale Content GmbH is one of the founding members. The network combines the core competencies of digital and PR to create a holistic approach to awareness, digital presence and brand building. The aim is to position More Agencies with companies as a lean agency solution for international marketing and communication.

“We make it easy for companies to scale globally without the usual hurdles. We combine an international mindset with the local DNA of our agencies. They offer local insights into cultures, target groups and media. The result: more international collaboration, better results and lower costs,” explains Pablo Binkowski, Co-CEO of More Agencies.

The founding members of More Agencies include 15 agencies in 19 countries with around 500 employees. Among them is Nicarus – Agency for Digital Content. The Heidelberg-based agency manages various international accounts from Germany.

“As an owner-managed agency, we were impressed by More Agencies’ decentralized approach. And we value the entrepreneurial spirit, customer focus, strategic expertise and international creativity of our international partner agencies. Our German agency clients will also benefit from this in the future,” says Peter Verclas, founder and Managing Director of Nicarus.

Pablo Binkowski and Bruno Brunoira founded More Agencies and run it together as co-CEOs. Both are experienced entrepreneurs and agency owners, with Pablo based in Toronto and Bruno in Porto. They have set themselves the goal of building a global network of owner-managed agencies. This network combines the core competencies of digital and PR into a holistic, integrated approach.

Nicarus is located in the “PR & More” competence division. Other members are NITID Corporate Affairs (Spain, Belgium), MiRò Comunicazione (Italy), AdverPR (Spain, Argentina, Chile and Mexico), Starship (Sweden), Rochester PR Group (United Kingdom) and PNTR Group (Indonesia, Malaysia and New Zealand). The “Digital & More” area of expertise includes Modal & More (Portugal), Poet Farmer (Netherlands), Brandstorm (Poland), Exprimo (Italy), d-story (France) and Marcas com Sal (Brazil).

Brief profile of More & Agencies

More Agencies is an international network of owner-managed agencies. The network combines the core competencies of digital and PR for international marketing and communication. The aim is to position More Agencies as a lean agency solution for internationally active companies. The founding members include 15 agencies in 19 countries with around 500 employees. In Europe, there are offices in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. On the American continent, the network is represented with locations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico, and in Asia in Indonesia, Malaysia and New Zealand. More at


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