Rebranding for
CleanTech company

The Client

blue activity GmbH

blue activity GmbH is a CleanTech start-up for industrial water treatment using natural microorganisms instead of environmentally harmful biocides. As an innovative solution provider for the water treatment of industrial evaporative cooling systems, blue activity offers customers an ‘all-round carefree package’ for the worry-free operation of these systems. The service is based on the use of 100% sustainable products including modern online monitoring combined with a needs-based on-site service. blue activity focuses on innovation, sustainability and cost efficiency. Founded in 2021 and headquartered in Heidelberg, blue activity has already received several awards: ‘Top Service’ seal for customer service from the German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalisation, top placement in the “Circular 2024” Tech Tour, finalist Tech Tour “Water Tech 2023”, 2nd place in the Econic Start-Up Award 2023, nominee Best of Industry Award 2023, nominee Next Econnomy Award 2023 and 2024 and finalist Heidelberg Founder Award 2023.


Industrial water treatment


Building a brand


Corporate design, website and content



blue activity is taking a completely new approach to water treatment for evaporative cooling systems with an innovative and sustainable approach. For the first time, they are making it possible to replace 100% of biocides with natural microorganisms, thereby improving wastewater quality for their customers. With their disruptive approach, they are already having a positive impact on the environment. Hazardous substances are completely substituted and water consumption is significantly reduced.

The task was to develop a holistic branding and position the innovative strength of industrial water treatment with functional microorganisms on the market. More and more renowned customers from industry, especially from the chemical, steel, energy, glass and automotive sectors, are placing their trust in them and supporting them with natural water treatment in cooling tower operation.


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Maturity Check

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      Social Media

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      Content Erstellung

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    • 5

      Recruiting & Stellenanzeigen

    • 6

      Talent Relationship Management

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    Social Media

    Content Erstellung


    Recruiting & Stellenanzeigen



    Talent Relationship Management


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    Du hast ein paar wichtige Basics bereits umgesetzt, aber es ist noch Luft nach oben. Vielleicht ist es Zeit, die Strategie zu überdenken und neue Kanäle zu erkunden, um dein Employer Branding aufzupeppen.



    Das läuft doch schon ganz gut. Du hast sicherlich bereits kleine Erfolge gefeiert. Wie wäre es, wenn wir deine wichtigsten Personas in eine Kampagnenautomatik überführen und so noch mehr Schwung in deine Employer Brand bringen?


    An fast alles gedacht

    Wow, wir können unseren Augen kaum trauen. Das sieht prima aus. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, noch einen Schritt weiter zu gehen und deine Employer Branding-Strategie mit einigen innovativen Ansätzen zu ergänzen.



    Wir ziehen unseren Hut. Columbus hat Amerika entdeckt, Einstein die Relativitätstheorie entwickelt, Taylor Swift verkauft am ersten Tag des Vorverkaufs ihrer Tour 2 Millionen Tickets und du … machst deine Employer Brand zur Love Brand. Dürfen wir mehr über dich erfahren?