From Classic to Digital PR

Digital PR: the further development of classic public relations work Digitalisation has changed classic PR. PR professionals face the challenge of combining the elements of storytelling and content creation with new digital requirements, such as search engine optimisation (SEO) and content marketing. To integrate digital PR into your work in a meaningful way, you should […]

Survey: Companies are still unfamiliar with data-driven PR

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There is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to data-driven PR. This is the conclusion of the current PR trend monitor of the dpa subsidiary news aktuell and the agency Faktenkontor. 220 communication experts from companies, organisations and PR agencies in Germany and Switzerland took part in the online survey in […]

Nicarus is one of the Top-3-Agencies in the Rhine-Neckar-Region

The PR agency industry is growing again. According to the current Pfeffer ranking, the fee revenue of German agencies increased by 15 percent in fiscal year 2021. The market volume of all PR agencies participating in the ranking totaled 713.8 million euros. Due to the Corona situation, fee revenues had still declined by 7.2 percent […]


Did you know that the management magazine Harvard Business Review named the data scientist the “Sexiest Job of the 21st Century” almost 10 years ago? In almost every business area, data analysis is now essential. But analysis doesn’t focus only on descriptive, backward-looking data. The magic word is advanced analytics – a method used to […]

From Donner & Doria to Nicarus

Donner & Doria Public Relations is now operating under the name Nicarus – Agency for Digital Content. The agency’s new position capitalizes on its digital content expertise. A specialist agency, it focuses on creating, publishing and monitoring relevant content, across all channels, for its customers. Public relations, social media, online marketing and employer branding will […]


Pfalzwerke, the leading electricity provider in Germany’s Palatinate and Saarpfalz district, is a company that actively helps shape the future of the region with its services and commitment. This also includes proactive communication with its customers. Pfalzwerke is working with Nicarus on the digital transformation of its communication. Nicarus evaluated the digital infrastructure for its […]

Donner & Doria is a top 3 agency

A lot is different this year. Even the current Pfeffer ranking for the PR agency sector. Together with the Society of Leading PR and Communications Agencies e.V. (GPRA), Gerhard Pfeffer, founder and publisher of the PR Journal, has this year asked the participating agencies to have their figures certified by a tax advisor or auditor. […]

Maturity Check

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      Social Media

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      Content Erstellung

    • 4


    • 5

      Recruiting & Stellenanzeigen

    • 6

      Talent Relationship Management

    • 7





    Social Media

    Content Erstellung


    Recruiting & Stellenanzeigen



    Talent Relationship Management


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    Huch! Einige Fragen haben dich vielleicht aus dem Konzept gebracht. Doch hier bist du richtig. Dürfen wir gemeinsam mit dir die ersten Aufgabenpakete schnüren?


    In den Startlöchern

    Du hast ein paar wichtige Basics bereits umgesetzt, aber es ist noch Luft nach oben. Vielleicht ist es Zeit, die Strategie zu überdenken und neue Kanäle zu erkunden, um dein Employer Branding aufzupeppen.



    Das läuft doch schon ganz gut. Du hast sicherlich bereits kleine Erfolge gefeiert. Wie wäre es, wenn wir deine wichtigsten Personas in eine Kampagnenautomatik überführen und so noch mehr Schwung in deine Employer Brand bringen?


    An fast alles gedacht

    Wow, wir können unseren Augen kaum trauen. Das sieht prima aus. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, noch einen Schritt weiter zu gehen und deine Employer Branding-Strategie mit einigen innovativen Ansätzen zu ergänzen.



    Wir ziehen unseren Hut. Columbus hat Amerika entdeckt, Einstein die Relativitätstheorie entwickelt, Taylor Swift verkauft am ersten Tag des Vorverkaufs ihrer Tour 2 Millionen Tickets und du … machst deine Employer Brand zur Love Brand. Dürfen wir mehr über dich erfahren?