The secrets of successful job ads


It’s a bit like online dating: if you’re only pretty but offer no content, you won’t be remembered. And if you have a lot of inner values, but don’t present yourself in an appealing way, it’s harder to be met. It is the same with job advertisements: The ideal ad is a mix of external appearance, authentic demeanour and digital visibility. When these three factors come together, you stand out positively and differentiate yourself from others.

From the job description to the task story

The prerequisite for this is: You have worked out the values and messages of your employer brand. And a “pleasant working atmosphere” may turn into an “uncomplicated togetherness with a relaxed culture and free of dress codes”. You know what we mean, don’t you? A good job advertisement not only lists the requirements of the job, but also reveals on an emotional level what a candidate can expect.
For more understanding, you need context. It helps if you provide examples of the tasks and requirements and link them together. For each item listed, the candidate should learn what is expected of him and how his performance will be rewarded in the company. In this way, you involve them directly while reading and make yourself “tangible” as an employer.

Boosters for your job ad

IT sector, tax consultancy, industry – strategy is strategy? Far from it! Each sector has its own concerns and therefore needs its own strategy – it’s best to take a close look at the competitive environment, the candidate journey and what the job is all about.
Applicants should find your job advertisement. Therefore you should know what your target group is looking for. Research the most common job titles and important keywords for the job description. Bye bye, internal jargon! Instead, use terms that are common in the industry and relevant keywords. With clever keyword optimisation, your job advertisements will also cover similar, related job profiles and thus appeal to even more relevant candidates right away.

Extra tip: Think outside the box! This does not only apply if you take the outside perspective of an applicant – i.e. put yourself in the job search situation. It also applies to the content on your own career site. Stand out from the crowd by including “entertaining content” or the “two-minute application” – after all, this is where most applicants first look for current job advertisements.

Make jobs digitally visible

Where do people search today? On Google. Where do candidates search? Also on Google. So make sure your job ads are listed on Google for Jobs. If they are SEOed, you will land at the top of job searches with location for free.
And how do Gen Y and Z search for jobs? Not on their desktop, but on their smartphone or tablet. That’s why job ads must always be mobile-optimised. Because if you confront Gen Y or Z with unnecessary loading times, text clutter and non-responsive font sizes, you will lose them before you have addressed them.
You see: The job ad becomes digital content and must be treated as such. Have you shared the link to the job advertisement via social media? Very good – but that is only half the battle. The job ad as a job story is the perfect script for an Instagram reel and a TikTok video. Or how about a very personal video including a call for applications by the future team leader?

Attract the next employees tomorrow

We know from experience that you can achieve quick and long-term success with little effort by optimising job advertisements. And the best thing is: this is not only worthwhile for companies, but also for all applicants. After all, they are no longer interested in standard phrases and frustrating application processes. So pay attention to your appearance, be authentic and be digitally visible. This way, you will attract the next employees tomorrow.


Only added value. That’s a promise!

We’ll give you the lowdown on what’s possible with the right set-up, where your content should be playing and how to make your marketing measurable. Register now and get insights about digital content.

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    Wir ziehen unseren Hut. Columbus hat Amerika entdeckt, Einstein die Relativitätstheorie entwickelt, Taylor Swift verkauft am ersten Tag des Vorverkaufs ihrer Tour 2 Millionen Tickets und du … machst deine Employer Brand zur Love Brand. Dürfen wir mehr über dich erfahren?